10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

4. Dune - A Gradual Poisoning

Spiral Saw
Warner Bros.

It's probably safe to say that few films will ever come close to matching the sheer size, scope, and all-round epic-ness Denis Villeneuve managed to pack into 156 glorious minutes.

And while Dune came equipped with a stunning amount of detailed world-building and some of the most compelling characters of the year, it's in death where this film showcased some of its more impactful punches.

Yet, though gripping duels, explosive battleground set-pieces, and being swallowed by a sandworm is all well and good, it's perhaps one Duke's noble sacrifice that carries the most weight due to the savage consequences that come to pass.

After biting down on a poisonous tooth gifted to him by Suk doctor Yueh post-betrayal, a toxic gas is unleashed on an unsuspecting House Harkonnen. What follows are blood-curdling cries as the pale race have life squeezed from their bodies. But it's the sight of Baron Vladimir scratching/floating for the last ounces of life that really hammer home the severity of the moment.

Resigned to a tub of black goo for the remainder of the flick, you can bet the Baron questioned whether life was even worth living as he writhed in horrific pain thanks to Leto's cunning chomp.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...