10 Movie Fates Worse Than Death From 2021

3. Old - Brittle Bones Are Not To Be Scoffed At

Spiral Saw
Universal Pictures

Over the course of M. Night Shyamalan's latest attempt to keep us up at night, Old, a group of unfortunate folks wind up on a beach which just so happens to come equipped with a rather terrifying feature: staying on it results in you ageing rapidly. 30 minutes equate to about a year.

And while that alone is cause for fear and panic, the fact they also can't leave the place only dials things up a notch. Then, if that wasn't enough, it's revealed that a number of the folks involved each have underlying medical issues which aren't exactly aided by the situation. Chrystal in particular, who suffers from hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency), doesn't have the best of times on the beach, with her bones becoming more and more brittle and her body eventually disfiguring.

This ultimately leads to her hiding away from the group in a cave, only to fall victim to her own rage at being seen by Trent and Maddox. After chasing the two and breaking all of her bones in the process, it's hard to imagine a more agonising way to go, with death itself likely coming as something of a relief for Chrystal in the end.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...