10 Movie Franchises Hollywood Will Never Let Die
2. Star Wars
After the ambitious but ultimately misguided prequel trilogy ended with Revenge of the Sith in 2005, many people thought the Star Wars saga had reached its natural conclusion. However, with such a massive fanbase and merchandise sales that reached into the billions on an annual basis, that was never going to be the case.
Then when Disney came along and purchased Lucasfilm for the tidy of sum of $4.06bn in 2012 it became perfectly clear to even the most casual fan; Star Wars wasn't going anywhere.
Already, it seems as though the Mouse House got themselves a bargain. The box office totals of The Force Awakens, Rogue One and The Last Jedi have already recouped Disney's outlay, so everything from here on in is pure profit. So naturally, we're getting a new Star Wars movie every year.
George Lucas' creation has remained at the forefront of popular culture for over 40 years, and its popularity has never shown signs of waning. While an annual release schedule could eventually lead to franchise fatigue and audience burnout after the decade-long gaps that separated the Skywalker trilogies, Disney of all companies aren't exactly known for a 'less is more' approach to their franchises.