10 Movie Franchises That Were Destroyed In A Single Moment

6. The Moment You Realise You're Watching Exactly The Same Movie All Over Again - The Hangover: Part II

MOVIE-HANGOVER Somewhat surprisingly, The Hangover went on to become one of the most successful comedy movies ever made, which is exactly the reason why a sequel was put into the works as soon as somebody realised it was possible for these characters to go on another adventure - one that promised the same cast on another hair-brained enterprise that felt true to the original. "True" is certainly the right word, given that the follow-up to the original movie sensation set out to do one thing and one thing only: replicate the format of the first flick entirely. So for anybody who thought that the producers would try to shake things up and make a sequel that felt like a movie that deserved to exist of its own accord, suck it. Those aren't my words to you, of course, but that's basically what the people who made The Hangover: Part II were saying beneath the surface. And the moment that you realise this - that this movie is a carbon copy, comprised of the same story beats, situations and jokes - is the moment that this franchise feels ready to die. Here's to what is perhaps the laziest sequel ever conceived.

All-round pop culture obsessive.