10 Movie Franchises That Will Be Remembered For The Wrong Reasons

2. As The Franchise That Completely Turned Itself Around - The Fast & The Furious

All right, so credit where credit is due: the way in which the Fast & The Furious transformed itself from an overtly obnoxious and embarrassingly macho car-obsessed franchise into a series of over-the-top action heist movies was impressive. Nobody asked for it, after all, but clearly Hollywood felt the way the franchise glamourised car culture was beginning to feel a bit dated; the change-up made the series more relevant. And indeed, both Fast Five and Fast and Furious 6 were hugely enjoyable blockbusters. But the way everybody reacted to them, you'd think both movies were on par with Citizen Kane; they're still incredibly flawed and occasionally generic. So whilst it's nice that the Fast & Furious "grew up," so to speak, it seems downright obtuse to disregard the fact that - all things considered - the whole franchise is pretty low-end.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.