10 Movie Heroes Who Failed (And Were Saved By Wimps)

9. Woody/Buzz Lightyear - Toy Story 3

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi

Several years after the second movie, Andy's toys are still the same but their owner sadly isn't. Andy is now too old to play with them and the toys are soon relocated to a daycare centre. When Woody discovers that the head of the daycare toys, Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear (or 'Lotso'), is an evil dictator, it's up to him to get his friends out of there in one piece.

Both Woody and Buzz, as the heroes of the toys, make a huge mistake: Never trust the villain to do the right thing. Towards the end of the movie, the toys find themselves in a dump, on a conveyer belt that leads to an incinerator. Woody and Buzz help Lotso climb off the conveyer belt after he promises that he will climb up and push the emergency "stop" button. But Lotso doesn't, he abandons them.

After several traumatising minutes of seeing the toys be slowly dragged towards a fiery death, they are pulled to safety by a crane that's operated by the Aliens! Despite being wimpy characters (and moronic, barely able to comprehend anything beyond their love for claws), they managed to save the toys which Woody and Buzz failed to do.


A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.