10 Movie Heroes Who Failed (And Were Saved By Wimps)

8. Han Solo - Return Of The Jedi

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi

The Star Wars film that offered fans their first (and certainly not last) taste of disappointment. In it, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) leads Luke (Mark Hamill), Leia (Carrie Fisher) and company to the planet of Endor so they can destroy a shield generator which is protecting the evil Death Star from attacks. It turns out this planet is populated by adorable critters known as Ewoks who initially attempt to munch on their new visitors, but soon befriend them.

Sadly, Han's attack on the shield generator is unsuccessful. He and his allies are overpowered and taken prisoner by a legion of Imperial forces. Who should then save them but the Ewoks! They launch a strike on the Imperial forces and create enough of a diversion that Han, Leia, and Chewbacca are able to access the shield generator and destabilise it. The Death Star is then destroyed.

A major success for the Rebels but mighty embarrassing that a badass fighter like Han needed to be saved by creatures that look like they should be lined up on a five year-old's bed.


A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.