10 Movie Heroes You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

6. Shaun (Simon Pegg) - Shaun Of The Dead

Natalie Portman Closer

Shaun Of The Dead should probably end with the devastating realisation that escaping the zombie apocalypse is impossible and a quick march for the survivors towards becoming walker snacks themselves.

But then, in a surprisingly pleasant twist of fate, the army turn up just as Shaun and Liz seem resigned to their deaths and save the day. Crisis averted and while lots of their friends and family have died, at least those two will get to live happily ever after! And as an added bonus, it turns out Shaun managed to wrangle the zombified Ed to his shed so they could carry on playing video games. Aww!

But Wait...

As sweet an expression of their friendship the final moment is, Shaun might as well be carelessly playing with a loaded, unsafetied gun with Ed locked in his shed. We already see him trying to bite his former best friend and the very real revelation is that there is basically nothing of Ed's humanity left.

Keeping him "alive" is cruel for everyone, but it's also incredibly dangerous. There's no way that Shaun will be able to keep vigilant at all times - particularly when deeply invested in a game - to avoid being bitten. It's just not likely at all and when it DOES happen, London will be faced with another outbreak, all because of Shaun's inability to cut away the dead weight in his life.

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