10 Movie Mistakes That Made Characters Look Like Idiots

6. Alfred Cleans Up While Being Knocked Out - Batman Forever

Avengers Endgame Black Widow
Warner Bros.

There's no doubt that the most loyal person in Bruce Wayne's (Val Kilmer) life is his trusty butler Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Gough), but Batman Forever unintentionally takes Alfred's commitment to his job to absolutely absurd levels.

Late in the movie when The Riddler (Jim Carrey) and Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones) breach Wayne Manor, they do so by posing as trick-or-treaters before The Riddler knocks Alfred out with his cane.

Alfred falls to the floor, just as you'd expect any elderly non-combatant to do in this situation, but the bizarre moment? After falling to the floor with a silver tray full of typical butler paraphernalia, he does the weirdly considerate thing of... moving the tray to the side of the room, allowing his attackers to move past unimpeded.

If you're being super generous to the movie - but honestly, why would you be? - you could argue that Alfred was acting on pure muscle memory at that point, but c'mon, it's a huuuge reach.

Obviously actor Michael Gough did this so that Carrey and Jones could clear the doorway without blowing the take, but why would Alfred ever do his assailants such a courtesy?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.