10 Movie Mistakes You Won't Believe Made It To Screen
1. Commando - Dummies

Proving that classics can get away with murder, this sequence from the Arnie classic is arguably one of the worst examples of SFX of the entire action film genre - just a small step up from the usual quality of those terrible made for SyFy movies. In honesty, the shot is only one mistake from a film absolutely littered with goofs, which suggests they might not have had the necessary budget to employ someone to actually watch their film before it was released.
Because otherwise, someone actually watched and gave this shot the go-ahead, despite the obvious fakeness of the buildings and even worse, the conspicuous sight of barely human looking dummies attached to poles that somehow survived the explosions standing up.
It's got to be embarrassing when your special effects are noticeably out-stripped by the model work created for Thunderbirds on a comparative shoe-string budget...