10 Movie Moments That Pissed Fanboys Off The Most In 2015

2. The Lack Of Full-Frontal Nudity - Fifty Shades Of Grey

The Moment: Even ignoring the fact that there's no actual sex scenes to speak of until around 45 minutes into the movie, there's not a single bit of proper full-frontal nudity at all. Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) is in states of undress far more frequently than her lover Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan), but the graphic stuff is shot around strategically to preserve at least a little of her modesty, while those hoping for more of Dornan will be disappointed that you only see the very top of his genital area for a split second. Why The Fanboys Hate It: Because it's an R-rated movie adaptation of one of the smuttiest mainstream books in recent memory, so why take the approach of a softcore porno? That's exactly what the Shades movie is: a ridiculously tame, arguably irresponsible misinterpretation of BDSM, and one that doesn't even provide much titillation for anyone except repressed housewives who might giggle and blush at the sight of a bare breast or buttock. The fanboys, or more likely in this case, fangirls, wanted to be gratified visually by some eye candy, but for the straight women who make up the majority of the movie's audience, there's a lot more female skin on display, and Dornan keeps his dignity mostly in tact. Isn't this the exact opposite of what the book was all about?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.