10 Movie Moments That Pissed Off Fanboys (That Were Actually Great)

1. The Coen Brothers’ True Grit Remake

True Grit Jeff Bridges
Paramount Pictures

Remaking a classic is always risky so when the Coen Brothers announced their retake on the quintessential Western True Grit, fans of the 1969 original starring John ‘The Duke’ Wayne were predictably worried that a darkly humorous retelling would detract from the charm of the first film.

But in true Coen Brothers form, the genre-busting duo made their remake entirely their own producing a compelling movie that both stayed true in part to the classic Western and drew more on the original source material – Charles Portis’s 1968 novel, which focuses on the indomitable teenaged Mattie Ross avenging her father’s death as main protagonist rather than Rooster Cogburn – while incorporating their own signature style.

The remake’s arguably superior art direction and character development delighted critics and fans alike, monopolising the 83rd Academy Award nominee stage with a total of ten nominations and becoming the Coen Brothers’ biggest box office hit to date.

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