10 Movie Moments Which Aren’t What They Seem

2. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince - Floating Books Are Given A Helping Hand

Although it often feels as though most modern blockbusters are jam packed with CGI creatures, scenery and just overall wizardry, the makers of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince opted for a slightly different approach when tasked with creating the illusion of hovering books in one particular scene.

During a conversation between Harry and Hermione in the library, the latter can be seen depositing books back to their rightful place by way of magic. Hermione lets go of each hardback as they float to where they belong.

Yet, what first looked like animated books floating into the library shelves were actually later revealed to be real ones being lifted into the air by individuals on the other side of the units wearing green gloves. Those gloves were then edited out of the shot later on and finally created the effect of magical novels being lifted into the air by wizarding brilliance.

The team still used a bit of CGI in order to pull off the subtle effect, but not in the way you thought when watching the movie first time round.

Movie magic helping to make a movie about magic...you've got to love it.

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La Haine
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...