10 Movie Monsters You Never Get To See Fully

3. Heptapods - Arrival (2016)

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Sarlacc Pit
Paramount Pictures

It certainly is a pleasant change for an alien species in a movie to come to Earth and not immediately start blowing things up. Not that this often works out too well for them, as we humans are rather a distrustful lot. Thankfully, though, owing to Amy Adams's linguistic breakthroughs, the inevitable war that humanity pushes for is over before it even started.

Onboard the alien spaceship, Louise Banks (Adams) and Ian Donnelly discover two squid-like beings that they nickname Abbott and Costello. Only their spidery limbs are ever seen, the rest of them being shrouded in smoke and separated from the humans by a wall of glass.

The extremely unique way they communicate only lends fuel to the fire on the curiosity front, too. With intricate rings of ink they secrete from their bodies, these creatures are obviously vastly intelligent lifeforms, and you can't help but wonder just how much of them there is that we never get to see.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.