10 Movie Monsters You Never Get To See Fully

2. The Thing - The Thing (1982)

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker Sarlacc Pit
Universal Pictures

John Carpenter's body horror sleeper hit didn't land with audiences and critics at the time of release, which is a real shame, as it happens to contain one of the most creative monsters ever to grace the big screen.

The aptly named Thing remains just as much of a mystery by the end of the film as it is at the beginning. Starting from an unfortunate sled dog, the creature gradually assimilates every living thing in the remote research base, barring a mere couple. One of them, Kurt Russell's MacReady, is able to blow the base up with a stick of dynamite, presumably killing the Thing inside (although you can't be sure).

It's the sheer versatility of this organism that both fascinates and repulses. Each body it takes control of has a unique horrifying form, from a grotesque severed head with crab legs to a towering beast with a second body that rips its way out of its stomach. There's a seemingly unlimited potential to this mysterious creature, and, in a way, how much of it we don't see is way more intriguing than the little we do.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.