10 Movie Plot Twists Everyone Saw Coming

6. Ted Is Crazy - Shutter Island

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvQXi6duxRs This twist is really interesting because it draws attention to itself from the trailer alone. Pretty much everyone surely went into Martin Scorsese's regal genre piece Shutter Island expecting that Teddy (Leonardo DiCaprio) was going to turn out to be crazy, or at least entertained the possibility that he would be. The problem is that people who simply dismiss the film as obvious are depriving themselves of the far more sinister twist that emerges at the tail-end of the film, and really enhances the whole product. After finding out that he did, in fact, kill his family, Teddy again appears to show signs that he's regressing into the fictional persona he created. Prior to this, the doctors had said that this was Teddy's last chance to get better, and the sinister final shot of the film suggests that Teddy ends up being lobotomised. Isn't it a lot more chilling if we assume that Teddy was, in fact, cured of his insanity, but acted crazy so that he could be lobotomised and forget the awful things he had done? A lot of people I've spoken to about it seem to have missed this at the ending, but it's really the only way that the film isn't totally predictable. Still, the twist that Teddy is battling with the illness both in the past and present is something we all saw coming.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.