10 Movie Posters That Lied To Your Face

9. Frogs

X Men The Last Stand
American International Pictures

Frogs is a totally bizarre 1970s eco-terror film about wildlife photographer Pinkett Smith (as portrayed by Sam Elliot) who, whilst exploring a swamp, gets wrapped up in the strangest series of events. Taken to a private island, numerous animal-based murders occur and houseowner Jason refuses to let Pinkett leave.

The poster for the film and the title are actually both misleading as whilst frogs are certainly mentioned, the marketing for the movie seems to imply a much greater role than they get. Looking at the poster you’d assume that this was a movie about giant man-eating frogs. Not only are the frogs totally normal sized, they’re also not all that important an aspect.

There’s a lot of random deaths in the film caused by any number of animals - lizards, tarantulas, eagles, snakes, leeches - but the frogs don’t really get involved until the final moment. And do they eat someone? No, their en masse appearance seems to cause death by heart attack.

Most likely this is a case of an artist being given the film’s name and genre and then just coming up with something based on that alone. It’s a totally nonsense movie at the best of times so perhaps the poster is suitable for being equally ridiculous but if you promise giant man-eating amphibians then you better deliver.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.