10 Movie Posters That Lied To Your Face

5. Mortal Kombat (2021)

X Men The Last Stand
Warner Bros.

The original Mortal Kombat film might be B-movie nonsense but it did give us the adored dancefloor filling techno theme tune so we have to thank it for that.

It was mostly gloriously stupid fun, with the highlight being the fight scenes with series main stays Sub Zero and Scorpion, even if they were brief.

It felt as though the 2021 reboot of Mortal Kombat had this in mind then when the marketing for the film put these two characters in pretty prominent positions. The movie’s poster was literally just these two faces and nothing more, and the trailer seemed to back up the idea that this would be a colour-coded-ninja-focused affair.

In actuality, whilst it is the best scene in the film, Sub Zero and Scorpion’s interactions are contained to the first 15 minutes and they’ve not even in their classic garb. After the fight concludes we jump forward to the present day. Sub Zero acts as a continuing antagonist of the flick but Scorpion only shows up in the final showdown in a rather muted fashion.

Mortal Kombat released during the COVID-19 pandemic and asked for a pretty hefty rental fee, especially here in the UK. How did it get you to part with your cash? Promising you a story focused on two characters that were barely a part of the film.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.