10 Movie Posters That Lied To Your Face

4. Camp Hell

X Men The Last Stand
Lions Gate Entertainment

There’s definitely something wrong with knowingly making a poster to pull the wool over your audience’s eyes to make a quick buck. It’s bad when it’s a big studio but it’s somehow worse when it’s a group of small filmmakers trying to the ride coattails of a kind favour.

Camp Hell is a 2010 horror film that explores the clash of religious faith and sinful urges. It's generally regarded as of middling quality and a pretty pointless movie to watch.

More infamous than anything about the film itself is the way that Jesse Eisenberg reacted to being on the poster. To help sell the film, Eisenberg agreed to appear in a cameo for a reduced fee as a favour to friends on the production. Even as the most successful actor in the film’s runtime, especially off the back of The Social Network, he didn’t anticipate that the poster for Camp Hell would be nothing more than just his floating head.

In June 2012, the actor won a preliminary court case suing Lionsgate and Grindstone Entertainment for misrepresentation. He did not want to be a part of the charade when he knew full well he only had a brief appearance that was shot in less than a day.

Eisenberg earned $3m in damages, which is more than the movie’s budget. Going to show that, like crime, telling lies doesn’t pay.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.