10 Movie Posters That Lied To Your Face

3. Escape From New York

X Men The Last Stand
AVCO Embassy Pictures

Escape from New York is the tale of a walled-in Manhattan prison and the mission of one man, Kurt Russell’s Snake Plissken, as he ventures inside to save the United States President.

The film’s poster depicts Snake and company seemingly trying to escape a riot with the head of the Statue of Liberty lying prone in a random Manhattan street. It’s famous for multiple reasons. First of all, it’s a really cool piece of art and the kind of thing you’d frame and hang on your wall. Secondly, it doesn’t reflect a scene in the film. It’s all made up.

There is exactly one moment where we see ol’ Libby and that’s near the start of the movie. Fun fact: this is the only part of Escape from New York actually shot in New York.

At no point does the statue ever come back into things and naturally of course she doesn’t get beheaded either. Come to think of it, considering she’s way offshore, how exactly would the Statue of Liberty’s head end up in a random street anyway?

It’s certainly a really cool image but it badly misrepresents the film. If you were waiting to see that crazy action sequence you were going to wind up disappointed.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.