10 Movie Posters That Subtly Lied To You

4. Angel Joins The X-Men - X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men The Last Stand Poster

You can argue that the marketing for X-Men: The Last Stand promised a far better movie than we actually got, but it also misrepresented one of the movie's superheroes far more sneakily.

Several posters for the film depicted all of the superheroes in the identical, black leather X-Men garb, including new hero Angel (Ben Foster).

This is despite the fact that Angel never actually wears this costume in the movie, because he never officially joins the X-Men and ultimately has a much smaller role than was advertised.

In slightly less egregious terms, Cyclops (James Marsden) is also ill-sold to audiences, given that he never gets the chance to wear the X-Men uniform he's pictured wearing in this poster, considering that he's killed just 25 minutes into the movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.