10 Movie References You Didn't Get As A Kid (But Do As An Adult)

7. Oedipus - Hercules

Ratatouille Tiny Little

When it comes to Hercules, by the very nature of basing a children's film around the Gods of Greek mythology, there's going to be a lot that goes over the heads of the target audience. These little ones may well have been familiar with some of the characters' names already. However, there were still tonnes of references and dialogue that simply wouldn't have registered.

One such moment came when the titular character (Tate Donovan) and Meg (Susan Egan) were talking about their day, and the play they had seen about Oedipus. All that was said was that Herc thought he had problems, nothing for a child to even think twice about.

It's only after growing up and learning about the King of Thebes and his famous complex that the penny drops. Of course Hercules' personal problems would pale in comparison to the man who killed his own father so he could marry and have four children with his mother.

Many of the entries on this list revolve around jokes about sex, as it's one of the lowest-hanging fruits when trying to sneak in something for the adults without the children noticing. However, most were far more direct than this one.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.