10 Movie Remakes/Reboots We Actually Want To See

8. Rear Window

Blade Wesley Snipes
Paramount Pictures

Alfred Hitchcock was the master of suspense cinema, but his films aren’t seen very often today. Vertigo and Psycho may be his most talked-about movies, but ask a group of people who’s actually seem them and it’s unlikely you’d get much of a response from anyone. There was an attempt at remaking one of Hitchcock’s masterpieces in Psycho - a 1998 film that literally copied every shot of the original. It was… weird.

A Hitchcock remake that might actually work, however, is Rear Window. The themes of voyeurism are more prominent than ever in a post-NSA leak world, and the morally ambiguous protagonist with good intentions is a very common archetype in modern cinema. Of all the Hitchcock movies, this is the one that could work best in a new coat of paint.

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