10 Movie Reshoots That Happened For Ridiculous Reasons

8. 'Gross Hands' Forces Napoleon Dynamite Reshoots

Napoleon Dynamite Hands
Fox Searchlight

Who would've thought that Napoleon Dynamite, a movie with a tiny budget and practically no plot, would become a modern classic that is still being quoted 16 years after its release?

Equally unexpected is the fact that the movie's opening credits sequence would result in a silly controversy and have to be reshot. You may remember those opening credits, they were written on food and household objects that were moved around by a pair of hands.

When the film's director screened the opening credits to studio executives, one of the bigwigs complained about how “gross” the hands looked. They insisted that the credits be reshot with better-looking hands!

The director waited several weeks for the studio to fly a professional hand model over for the reshoots. The ridiculousness of that situation can best be summed up by Napoleon Dynamite himself: “Gosh!”


A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.