10 Movie Reshoots That Happened For Ridiculous Reasons

6. Who Shot First? - Casablanca

Napoleon Dynamite Hands
Warner Bros.

SJWs and “woke” people are often accused of ruining modern movies but they are nothing compared to the Motion Picture Production Code. Also known as the Hays Code, this was a system that heavily censored Hollywood movies from the 1930s to 1960s and wouldn't allow anything 'unwholesome' or 'immoral' to appear on the big screen.

As if that wasn't ridiculous enough by itself, the change they forced Casablanca to make was a special brand of idiotic. The code wouldn't allow Rick (Humphrey Bogart) to shoot the Nazi character Major Heinrich Strasser without provocation. Apparently, shooting a Nazi in cold blood was too immoral for 1942 audiences to handle.

The scene was entirely reshot so that Strasser pulled out his gun before Rick shot him. This preceded the 'who shot first' Star Wars saga by several decades!


A tall Australian who is passionate about all things facts and pop culture.