10 Movie Reviews Better Than The Movie Itself

6. Gotti - Ralphthemoviemaker

Gotti was many things, but the next Godfather it was not. Most people hadn't even seen it, but plenty of people took their digs at John Travolta's high profile project centered around infamous gangster John Gotti Jr. Bad movies come out every year, but something about the high-profile nature of the film, as well as its clear desire to be the next Godfather, led to what was easily the most memed movie of 2018.

Many different YouTubers had their fun at Gotti's expense, but Ralphthemoviemaker's review hit that sweet balance of entertainment mixed with genuine and thorough criticism. There's plenty to riff off of with the movie's innumerable faults, but Ralph helps you understand why this movie failed where the likes of Godfather and The Sopranos did exceedingly well with similar subject matter.

However, in between those moments of justified criticism, Ralph makes sure to add in little skits and bits to break up the review. Thankfully, unlike some other channels (looking at you Nostalgia Critic), they never go on for too long either.

Like many of his other reviews, it's an effective takedown of a film that never loses you through its runtime.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.