10 Movie Reviews Better Than The Movie Itself

5. Unfriended - YMS

Unfriended, regardless of how the final product turned out, certainly had the potential for greatness. A horror film that plays off of modern technological trends mixed with a staunch anti-bullying theme seems right in-line with what Hollywood digs on, and audiences supported it with a strong box office push.

Sadly, it seems where it fell apart (from a critical standpoint) was in its script and often failed attempts at illustrating how the internet works (an important thing in a movie centered around the internet).

The YouTube channel YourMovieSucksDOTorg's three-part video series on Unfriended is not only a nearly hour-long summarization of the film but also a critical analysis that lets a moment play out and then tells you everything wrong with it.

Whether it's a leap in logic on the movie's part, a blatant continuity error, or even an unquestionable line flub that the movie didn't edit around, YMS lets you know that yes, that was, in fact, a mistake, and it wasn't just you who saw it.

Whether it requires him to use interviews from the cast/filmmakers or clump several similarly-nagging issues together, YMS knows exactly how to make his point.

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Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.