10 Movie Scenes Actors Were Hidden In

9. Sean Young - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

The Nice Guys
Warner Bros.

If, like a good deal of '80s and '90s kids, you watched Ace Ventura: Pet Detective hundreds of times throughout your formative years, this cameo might come as a bit of a surprise.

We all know that Sean Young appears in the comedy as Lt. Lois Einhorn, who at the end of the film is revealed to be a transgender woman, whose birth name and identity was Ray Finkle, a football player for the Miami Dolphins.

Prior to the reveal, we briefly see a few photos of Finkle, and while audiences likely assumed a mustachioed male actor was simply hired to pose for the snaps, it is in fact Sean Young herself.

Take a close look at the photos and Young has evidently tied her hair back, donned a wig and fake mustache, and squinted her eyes to further resemble a man while looking almost nothing like herself.

Even if you've seen this film tons of times it's incredibly easy to miss, and makes for quite the "holy s**t" revelation when it finally clicks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.