10 Movie Scenes Actors Were Hidden In

8. Bruce Campbell - Fargo

The Nice Guys
Gramercy Pictures

Bruce Campbell has been good friends with the Coen Brothers ever since they were breaking into the industry together back in the 1980s, and has made small supporting appearances or Easter egg-y cameos in a number of their movies.

The sneakiest of the lot, though, has to be their Oscar-winning masterpiece Fargo, where late in the film Campbell can be seen playing an actor in a soap opera on a TV being watched by Gaear Grimsrud (Peter Stormare).

But because the static-filled TV image is incredibly snowy, it isn't easy to spot Campbell's face, and so you're more likely to recognise him, if at all, from his unmistakable voice.

As for the footage itself? It wasn't actually shot by the Coens specifically for this movie, but rather lifted from a 1982 episode of the TV series Generations in which Campbell appeared.

And so, if you freeze-frame any of the shots of the TV with Campbell's face and take a long, hard look, you'll notice that he's looking considerably younger than he actually was in the mid-nineties.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.