10 Movie Scenes Actors Were Hidden In

7. Carrie Fisher - Hook

The Nice Guys
TriStar Pictures

At this point it's relatively well known that Star Wars legend Carrie Fisher had a secret(ish) second career as a script doctor in Hollywood, but did you know she also made a cameo in a certain divisive Steven Spielberg film?

Spielberg's fantasy flick Hook is packed with cameo appearances - perhaps most notably a near-unrecognisable Glenn Close as a bearded member of Hook's (Dustin Hoffman) pirate crew - but Fisher has her own basically impossible-to-spot role earlier on.

At the 35-minute mark, just as Peter (Robin Williams) is taken to Neverland, a scenic shot of London shows a couple kissing on a bridge and levitating into the air after being sprinkled with pixie dust by Tinker Bell (Julia Roberts).

Though their faces can't be made out - not even on the film's more recent 4K release - the couple are in fact played by Fisher and her Star Wars director George Lucas.

While the pair are well-known long-time friends of Spielberg, Fisher had actually already been hired to provide uncredited rewrites for Tinker Bell's dialogue throughout the film, so tossing her this cameo was basically a no-brainer.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.