10 Movie Scenes WAY More Disturbing Than Intended

6. Zara's Death - Jurassic World

Junior Arnold Schwarzenegger

Love it or hate it, Jurassic World has one scene that just about everybody remembers - the savage demise of Claire's (Bryce Dallas Howard) assistant Zara (Katie McGrath).

When the dinosaurs break loose in the park, poor Zara gets picked up by a Pteranodon and dropped in the nearby Mosasaurus enclosure, where the Pteranodon toys with and almost drowns her.

But at that moment, the Mosasaurus launches out of the water and opens its jaws wide, biting down and devouring both Zara and the Pteranodon.

Director Colin Trevorrow clearly underestimated how disturbed audiences would be by a seemingly "innocent" character dying such a cruel, prolonged death that she didn't "deserve."

Of course, deserve's never had anything to do with the deaths in the Jurassic Park movies - and, generally, it shouldn't - though as it turns out, a deleted subplot would've made Zara decidedly less sympathetic.

Trevorrow confirmed that Zara was originally in a few additional scenes which painted her as an annoying "Bridezilla," enough that when she was finally gobbled up by the Mosasaurus, viewers would've been more than happy to see her dispatched.

With this subplot entirely removed from the final cut, though, audiences were considerably less enthused to see a totally neutral character die in a brutal manner typically afforded to the series' more detestable villains.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.