10 Movie Scenes WAY More Disturbing Than Intended

4. The Morgue - Bad Boys II

Junior Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sony Pictures Releasing

Bad Boys II is more than a mere action movie sequel - it's a sick puppy of a film which sees Michael Bay indulging every edgy thought his mind could conjure. It's one hell of a ride, for better and worse.

Yet even those onboard with Bay's unapologetically maximalist, juvenile filmmaking might think twice about the sequence where Mike (Will Smith) and Marcus (Martin Lawrence) end up breaking into a morgue to investigate its use as a drug smuggling front.

But because seeing the duo futz around with random dead bodies isn't grim enough, things get even more unnerving when the pair realise they've got company and need to hide.

Marcus ends up hiding underneath a sheet covering a dead body, only for him to quickly realise the corpse in question is a young woman with enormous breasts.

Bay drags the scene out for an excruciating amount of time with the camera focusing extremely intently on this dead woman's large chest.

It's clearly supposed to be played entirely for laughs, and yet, shoving the dichotomy of sex and death in the viewer's face so aggressively makes the whole thing incredibly stomach-churning.

You can practically feel Bay nudging you in the arm while shouting, "Check out the hot dead chick with the huge jugs! Did you see? DID YOU SEE?"


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.