10 Movie Scenes WAY More Disturbing Than Intended

2. Arnie's Baby - Junior

Junior Arnold Schwarzenegger

As a PG-13 comedy about the age-old question, "What if Arnold Schwarzenegger could get pregnant?," Twins is a pretty fun time.

And while it mines almost all of its humour from the sheer absurdity of Arnie preparing to give birth, one wacky scene inadvertently goes overboard into straight-up body-horror territory.

Near the start of the film, protagonist Alex (Schwarzenegger) has a nightmare where he envisions his newborn baby boy being brought to him, only to discover that the baby has his own adult face.

This being 1994 - an awkward nexus point for VFX technology - the scene amounts to Arnie's hyper-masculine features being digitally piped over the top of a baby's soft face.

Even accepting that the scene is indeed a nightmare, it's clearly supposed to be more funny than terrifying.

But because the VFX can't get close to pulling the scene off convincingly, it's far more likely to leave audiences screaming "Kill it with fire!" while watching through splayed fingers.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.