10 Movie Secrets Everyone Knows Except You

6. Mr. Harrington Appears As A College Student - The Incredible Hulk

Lord Farquaad
Marvel Studios

Catching this one really depends on how often you revisit the early MCU movies - or more to the point, whether you've ever bothered to rewatch 2008's Edward Norton-starring The Incredible Hulk.

If you do, you might spot a familiar face hanging out on the Culver University campus.

Martin Starr has a small role in the film as a student working in the university's computer lab who lets Banner access the lab in exchange for some pizza, and who at the time was credited simply as "Computer Nerd."

The film's novelisation meanwhile credited him as comic book character Amadeus Cho, and in Spider-Man: Homecoming Starr re-appeared as a seemingly different character entirely - Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) kindly academic decathlon coach Mr. Harrington.

Yet in a 2019 Reddit AMA, Marvel honcho Kevin Feige confirmed that the Computer Nerd had effectively been retconned into a younger version of Mr. Harrington.

There's nothing in the films that contradicts this, so it's an easy change for Feige to officially make.

While it has basically zero tangible impact on the world of the MCU, it's still neat to know that Mr. Harrington had a brief, pizza-related interaction with another Avenger.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.