10 Movie Secrets Never Meant To Be Found

5. The Disappearing Raptor - Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Though this might technically qualify more as a mistake than a secret, it's nevertheless a bizarre curiosity which was only discovered in recent years, despite Steven Spielberg's groundbreaking blockbuster Jurassic Park releasing way back in 1993.

In the film's climax, the heroes are saved by the series' iconic T-Rex, which shows up to munch on an attacking Raptor just in time. Except, for a single frame while Rexy is holding the Raptor in her mouth, the Ratpor just...disappears.

Whether a result of a ghost in the render machine or the fault of a VFX intern who wanted to clock off early on a Friday afternoon, it's a bizarre CGI blunder in such a huge, elaborate movie, yet one that wasn't uncovered until the film's 2013 Blu-ray release, some two decades after it first hit screens.

Even if Spielberg and his VFX team were indeed aware of the missing frame, clearly they didn't expect that fans would have the means to identify it.

But given that we now have crystal clear 4K home video releases of the movie, a frame-by-frame scan reveals the disappearing Raptor, be it a mistake or a lazy act of corner-cutting, as clear as day.

Given how easily the single frame could be cut from the movie without anyone noticing, it's pretty hilarious that it's still there.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.