10 Movie Sequel Recastings That Were TERRIBLE

1. Jeffrey Weissman - George McFly (Back To The Future Part II/III)

Terrible Movie Recastings
Universal Pictures

The case of Crispin Glover's removal from the two Back to the Future sequels is the stuff of cinema legend, and is perhaps the most controversial tale of recasting in Hollywood.

The story goes that whilst Glover was asked to reprise his role as George McFly, the father of Michael J. Fox's accidental hero Marty, he was eventually dropped from the project due to obscene salary demands (though, years later, Glover claimed it was because he didn't like the film's message).

Director Robert Zemeckis decided to move on without him in the end, keeping George in the script and replacing him with Jeffrey Weissman, who went into the role wearing a fake chin and nose to better resemble Glover. There were never any close-ups of George in the sequels, making it difficult to properly notice the clever switch-up.

Glover was enraged by this and sued Universal Pictures for using his likeness - including archive audio of his previous work in the role - and won, meaning that studios are no longer allowed to use actors' likeness without their permission.

Given the hassle that went on behind-the-scenes, it probably would've been easier to write George out, or let him have his salary demands after all.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.