10 Movie Sequels That Keep Getting Teased (But Probably Won't Happen)

6. The Simpsons Movie 2

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During a post-credits scene in 2007’s The Simpsons Movie, the family becomes elated as baby Maggie prepares to say her first word, or her first word in front of them. The word turns out to be ‘sequel,’ which the family ignore, before walking offscreen silently, presumably reflecting the creative team’s attitude to a follow-up film.

The tease proved effective, with rumours of a sequel having circulated for 15 years now, including that the film would serve as the show’s long overdue finale, but there has been no indication of when we could be seeing it, or what it would be about.

Disney’s purchase of Fox in 2019 breathed new life into these rumours, as Disney ordered the continuation of The Simpsons, and talks for a second film resumed. Most recently, Lisa’s voice actor Yeardley Smith said she had faith that the project would go forward, and that she’d want to see it as a Christmas movie.

While the show is firmly past its prime and arguably suffering under a Disney why-you-little chokehold, the Simpson family could potentially end things on a high note with a second movie, if things ever get past the discussion phase.


Daniel Carville hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.