10 Movie Sequels That Were 30 Years In The Making

1. Bill & Ted Face The Music (2020)

Bill And Ted Reunion
Entertainment Weekly

Time Between: 29 years, 33 days

Next year, Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter will return for a third chapter in the Bill & Ted franchise to remind us all to be excellent to each other. Thankfully, Ed Solomon says it's abvsolutely not just a soulless cash-grab:

"This is not, 'Hey let's all cash-in on the Bill & Ted thing for money'—this is the opposite. This is, 'We love these characters, they've been with us for our whole lives'—Chris and me, and Alex and Keanu—and we wanted to visit them again as middle-aged men. We thought it would be really fun, and funny, and sweet."

Was It Worth The Wait?

Well, time will tell. Let's hope it's more like Halloween and less like Zoolander or Dumb and Dumber. There's definitely some value to seeing what two high-schoolslackers are doing three decades after they left school. Will the Wild Stallions-obsessed future come to light?

You'll find out on August 21st, 2020.

Which of these movies do you think was worth the wait? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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