10 Movie Sequels That Were 30 Years In The Making

8. Halloween (2018)

Halloween 2018
Universal Pictures

Time Between: 39 years, 359 days

A shade more than 30 years admittedly, but the Halloween sequel we all deserved eventually came out just before the 40th anniversary of the original. In a bold move, it also chose to ignore all of the sequels to the original, which was smart, because even some of the most ardent franchise fans did the same too.

Heavy on nostalgia and clever enough to recognise what made the original so iconic, the film has breathed life into the Halloween brand once more.

Was It Worth The Wait?

For anyone forced to endure the sequels and even the remakes, there's no question. The film added something that had been missing from the franchise from the moment the studio realised they could turn it into a money-spinner - actual care for the material.

Instead of this being a cynically churned-out, mindless monstrosity in the vein of those other sequels, it feels more like a celebration that builds the mythology of Michael Myers and gives us characters to actually care about. Long may the revival continue.

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