10 Movie Sequels That Were 30 Years In The Making

3. The Birds II: Lands End (1994)

Birds 2
Universal Studios

Time Between: 30 years, 351 days

If the sequels to Psycho are anything to go by, everyone should just avoid trying to follow-up anything Alfred Hitchcock made. Likewise, anyone seeking to remake his work ought to just give up before they start. It doesn't work.

Still, you have to admire the attempt and there was something to be said about the universal appeal of evil birds attacking people. If you were scared of that once, it's not like they've changed their fundamental behaviour since the 1960s.

Was It Worth The Wait?

Not even close. It's awful, horribly acted and barely recognisable as part of Hitchcock's legacy. The director - Rick Rosenthal - was so appalled with the final product that he took his name off it and original star Tippi Hedren - bafflingly cast in a new role entirely - publicly stared in 2002 that it was a horribly embarrassment.

It's very hard not to agree.

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