10 Movie Sequels That Were Sent Out To Die

7. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Fantastic Beasts Secrets Of Dumbledore
Warner Bros.

Sticking with DC dynamos sent out to die, and to a Super-film that had its wings thoroughly clipped before it had even properly burst onto the '80s cinema scene.

Hot on the heels of the first real signs of a few chinks in The Man of Steel's unmistakable suit within Superman III, the fourth instalment was being eyed up as a much more serious and grounded return for Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent/Kal El.

However, purse strings being tightened out of the gates wasn't the best of starts for Sidney J. Furie's production, and as Reeves' himself would note in his biography, annoying corners were cut in order to achieve certain scenes for the follow-up; such as shooting a scene supposedly taking place on 42nd Street in New York "at an industrial park in England in the rain with about a hundred extras, not a car in sight, and a dozen pigeons thrown in for atmosphere."

Lenny Luthor actor Jon Cryer would go further, stating the movie was "not finished", setting up a once-adored cinematic superhero for a truly depressing and quite devastating last flight under Reeves' stewardship.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...