10 Movie Sequels We Secretly Want To See

8. John Carter: The Gods Of Mars

John Carter Taylor Kitsch

The story of John Carter is a legitimate tragedy. Marketed horribly by Disney, the film flopped notoriously hard on release (this website was one of the only ones to appreciate it at the time, funnily enough) because of its enormous cost to make. Suddenly, plans for a franchise based on the book series ended up lost in space.

But John Carter is a legitimately good film. It has now become something of a cult classic, but even that status slightly damns it with faint praise, because it deserves so much more. It is space opera sci-fi of an older order, imaginative and engaging and it should have kicked off a trilogy at least.

It's unlikely to happen any time soon (though maybe a TV show in its place on Disney+ might be more realistic), but a sequel based on the second book in the series, whose story is richer and whose action more entertaining again, would still be a rather wonderful treat.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.