10 Movie Sequels You Probably Never Knew Existed

4. Lost Boys: The Tribe/Lost Boys: The Thirst

Kindergarten Cop 2
Warner Premiere

Fans had been hoping for years that 1987 vampire hit The Lost Boys would get a bona fide sequel. Director Joel Schumacher had long spoken of the possibility of a female-centred follow-up, The Lost Girls, before he got too busy killing off the Batman series in the 1990s.

Quite why Warner Bros decided to revive the property with two direct-to-DVD sequels in the late 2000s is anyone's guess; but few could argue that the resulting films bore little relation to what went before, and did not deliver on fan expectations.

2008's Lost Boys: The Tribe comes from somewhat ignoble origins, having been adapted from an original script about surfer werewolves which was rejected for being too much of a Lost Boys rip-off. Hence, this script was dusted off, wolves became vamps, and Bob's your uncle.

Lost Boys: The Tribe bears very little relation to the 1987 movie beyond the presence of Corey Feldman as vampire hunter Edgar Frog, the stunt casting of Kiefer Sutherland's little brother Angus, and a brief post-credits cameo by the late Corey Haim.

2010's equally poor Lost Boys: The Thirst also saw the return of original Lost Boys actor Jamison Newlander as Alan Frog.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.