10 Movie Sequels You Probably Never Knew Existed

3. Kindergarten Cop 2

Kindergarten Cop 2
Universal Pictures

The Expendables movies aside, action legend Dolph Lundgren has long since been stuck in the same direct-to-DVD hell that seems to be the fate of all former action stars (Van Damme, Steven Seagal, even Wesley Snipes and Nicolas Cage).

Still, while Lundgren has managed to do some surprisingly fine work in this field (the Universal Soldier sequels are actually better than the original), fans everywhere did a double-take when word broke in 2015 that he would be headlining a sequel to Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1990 comedy Kindergarten Cop.

Yet again, it's a name-only sequel that basically remakes the original, casting Lundgren as an FBI agent whose latest big case forces him to go undercover looking after little brats. Cue much hilarity... or not.

Let's just say Lundgren must be very, very grateful he's got Aquaman and Creed 2 on the horizon.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.