10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

5. Silver Surfer (Fantastic Four 2)

Ang Lee Hulk
20th Century Fox

One of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer's few redeeming features was the stellar performance by mo-cap master Doug Jones in the role of Norrin Radd. The part relied heavily on CGI, and in fairness, the effects weren't completely egregious.

But they weren't entirely convincing either. The Surfer's design was reminiscent of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, an FX trailblazer in its day - but that was back in 1991.

The second Fantastic Four film leans too heavily on technology that looked like it had barely moved on since the early '90s. Even Jones's solid performance wasn't enough to convince the audience that they were looking at a living, breathing character.

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