10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

4. Colossus (Deadpool)

Ang Lee Hulk

One thing fans love about the Deadpool movies is their dedication to practical effects. Sure, there's CGI in there too, but decking Ryan Reynolds out in an actual costume instead of covering him with digital effects worked in their favour.

Colossus is one of the few all-CG characters in these films, and while the effects used to create him aren't the worst ever seen in the comic book movie space, the steely mutant looks somewhat out of place next to the other mutant characters.

Alongside other computer-generated X-Men, Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin wouldn't stand out as the most poorly-rendered of the bunch, though there are scenes in both Deadpools where his torso looks more computerised than metallic.

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