10 Movie Superheroes Ruined By Terrible CGI

3. Peter Parker (Sam Raimi's Spider-Man)

Ang Lee Hulk

Sam Raimi got plenty of things right about Spider-Man, from his close relationships with his aunt and love interest Mary Jane, to the depiction of iconic villain Doctor Octopus. In hindsight, though, special effects are not included on that list.

The first chapter in the trilogy, in particular, has not aged well. Spidey's first big-screen outing comes from an age where CGI in blockbuster movies was only just becoming commonplace and filmmakers were still figuring out how to maximise its potential.

Looking back at Spider-Man today, any scene where the Green Goblin is suited up looks like something from the Dark Ages of Hollywood, but the most jarring CG sequence comes early in the film when Peter Parker first acquires spider powers.

The fledgling hero goes on a rooftop run to test drive his new abilities, and the special effects which made that possible would have been rightly torn apart by the gaming press if they had appeared in a PlayStation 2 title.

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