10 Movie Supervillains Ruined By Botched CGI

5. Doctor Doom (Fantastic Four)

The Incredible Hulk Abomination
20th Century Fox

Okay, so it wasn't just underwhelming digital effects that killed Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot or its ill-judged depiction of Doctor Doom, but going down the mocap route to bring the Latverian villain to life certainly didn't help matters.

From a purely visual standpoint, Victor Von Doom had the potential to be one of the most memorable villains ever featured in a Marvel movie, if they had stuck to the source material and encased him in cold steel instead of CGI.

Fantastic Four's Doom looks like somebody has tried to pimp up an aesthetically-challenged Terminator with a spattering of green sparkly bits, but the true villain here is CGI. Why go to the expense of creating these effects when a man in an iron suit would have looked far better and made the film closer to the comic books?

The reviled reboot did Doom a disservice in many other respects by failing to explore his depth and tortured genius, but if Trank and his creative team had nailed the character's look, the fans would have at least one thing to like about it.


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