10 Movie Supervillains Ruined By Botched CGI

4. Proxima Midnight (Avengers: Infinity War)

The Incredible Hulk Abomination
Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios deserves credit for the way it rendered Thanos. As far as all-CG characters go, the Mad Titan was convincing enough to conjure the illusion of tangibility. This was thanks to a combination of some of the best tech wizardry in the film business and Josh Brolin's powerful vocal chords.

The studio, however, had to go and undermine it all with its overreliance on digital effects. Infinity War uses CGI where it's absolutely unnecessary and Thanos's Black Order were the victims of this, particularly Proxima Midnight.

The cosmic warrior is basically just a tall woman with a set of horns. Why not create said horns through the dying art that is practical effects? Not only would this be far less expensive, it might also have appeared more convincing.

Unlike the effects Marvel's creative team used to create Thanos, Proxima Midnight's CG looks tacked on, not dissimilar to a premium Snapchat filter.


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