10 Movie Trailer Cliches Everyone Is Tired Of

2. The Pre-Trailer "Bumper"

Spider-Man Far From Home
Marvel Studios

Over the last few years an increasing number of trailers for anticipated movies have placed a brief, 6-second "teaser for the trailer" in front of the trailer, much to the annoyance of just about everyone.

The reason for the inclusion of these "bumpers" is because of how much video content is consumed by the general public via mobile phones these days. This means that video displayed on their social media feed has to be as eye-catching as possible as quickly as possible.

After all, you're likely to keep scrolling if a trailer opens with a standard establishing shot or, God forbid, a studio logo. But if you see Spider-Man flying around in the air within the first two seconds, you're far more likely to stop and watch the whole thing.

But annoyingly, these bumpers often just vomit up the trailer's coolest images right out of the gate completely free of context, denying viewers the ability to savour them as part of the full trailer itself.

After all, there's an undeniable art to the creation of trailers, and lots of people love to witness how a trailer builds and builds to the most epic and memorable visuals.

Examples: Basically every modern trailer for a major studio movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.